
"From Vision To Reality"

"From Vision To Reality"

With over 30 years of experience in the construction industry Imperial Homes can meet all your remodeling and expansion requirements with the same ideology ,design philosophy and methodology as we build our new custom homes / apartments. If more space needs to be added to an existing building or the building has to remodelled or modernised we would love to hear from you and help you , be it a Kitchen / Complete Home / Office / Hotel / Institution etc.

We are a one - stop solution for all your renovation requirements be it designing to construction to total home & interior solutions.

Case Studies 1

Renovating Under Utilised Commercial Spaces

A client of us had shifted his office space and so his 30 seater office space was lying idle . He wanted to convert this commercial space into a mini hall which can generate additional revenue for him. The team of Imperial Homes visited the place , studied the location and after studying the existing drawings and brainstorming with our team of Architects we came up with a plan of converting that office space into a mini hall with minimum changes.

Case Studies 2

A home is made up of beautiful memories and with time it can lose its shine but not its value This was one such project where the client wanted to upgrade the elevation of his 20 year old building to a modern and contemporary look to bring in new and happy memories. He had build the house a few years after his marriage and had very beautiful memories asscociated with the house and he did not want to remodel the complete house nor demolish and reconstruct a new one. He wanted to give a fresh life to the old building and upgrade it to a modern comtemporary look as he was planning to get home a daughter (Get his son married ) as they say you don’t bring a Daughter in law you bring home a Daughter.So the client came to us. We at Imperial Homes were more than happy to be associated in this new journey. After carefully studying the existing structural drawings and discussing with our team of Architects, Structural Engineers and Project Engineers. we at Imperial homes team came up with an action plan and successfully executed the renovation of the building keeping in mind the condition of the building.

As the building was old it did not have columns for extension and so the building was first strengthened and then upgraded to a modern look and we at Imperial Homes successfully handed over the project. Want to upgrade your old home for bringing in new and happy memories Reach out to us. We would love to hear from you. We at imperial homes make your smallest of dreams to come to reality.

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